
Webinar 'Stories from the Use Case Observatory - Volume 2'


vendredi, 28 juin 2024


10:00 Europe/Amsterdam

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The webinar will take place online on Friday 28 June from 10.00 to 11.30 CET

Are you interested in exploring the potential of open data reuse? Join our webinar, ‘Stories from the Use Case Observatory - Volume 2’, to delve into the impact of open data across various sectors. This event will showcase key insights from the second volume of the Use Case Observatory, which tracks reuse cases over three years.

Scheduled for 28 June from 10:00 to 11:30 CET, this webinar will highlight the progress and success of open data initiatives in economic, governmental, social, and environmental spheres. Additionally, two guest speakers will present their use cases, offering firsthand insights into the practical benefits and challenges of open data reuse.

Curious to learn more? Mark your calendars for 28 June from 10:00 to 11:30 CET and join us for an informative discussion on the transformative potential of open data!