
Workshop ‘How to use open data for your research’


Пятница, 24 Мая 2024

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The webinar will take place online on Friday 24 May from 10:00 to 11:30 CET

Are you engaged in research or planning to start a scholarly project and in need of reliable data? Learn how open data can enrich your academic activities at our workshop, ‘How to use open data for your research’. Discover the extensive resources available through data.europa.eu and the data.europa academy.

This workshop, scheduled for 24 May from 10:00 to 11:30 CET, is tailored for students and academics. It offers a guide through the data.europa.eu portal, where you will learn how to access and utilise the vast open data resources crucial for research. Additionally, there will be a hands-on assignment that will give you practical experience in locating and using open data. 

Lastly, the workshop offers the opportunity to learn from real-world use cases presented by universities already integrating open data into their research and academic programs. These presentations will highlight successful applications and illustrate how open data can be a powerful tool in your research arsenal.

Curious to learn more? Then mark your calendars for this data.europa academy webinar ‘How to use open data for your research’ and join us on 24 May from 10.00 to 11.30 CET for an interesting discussion on research and open data!